Each Content Corner page offers a collection of resources specific to a particular shift from one of the Shifting the Balance books (+ Leadership Content Corner). Whether you’re ready to explore a new topic or want to expand existing knowledge, these resource hubs–which include podcasts, blog posts, downloads, and more–about each shift, will support you as you work to make learning to read easier and more brain-friendly for your students. This Content Corner offers an assortment of resources related to language comprehension.

Blog Posts

Jan and Kari

5 Vital Language Development Strategies for Every Classroom

Reading Comprehension Can’t Happen Without Language Comprehension Lately, we’ve noticed that some small but mighty practices for supporting language development aren’t showing up so much in classrooms. These instructional moves are ways to teach vocabulary or language structure in context throughout the day rather than just when you’ve developed a dedicated

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Six Suggestions for Seamless Oral Language Development
Jan and Kari

Six Suggestions for Seamless Oral Language Development

What’s oral language development got to do with reading, anyway?  Well, it turns out . . . a whole lot.    As we explain in Chapter 1 of Shifting the Balance, reading comprehension doesn’t begin with reading; it begins with comprehension of spoken language.  And as luck would have it-

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Want to dig even deeper into Language Comprehension?

Visit the Content Corner on Knowledge Building.

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